SSAFA Charity Donation
Firstly let us just say that we sincerely hope 2021 is a better year for all our community members. The chips were down and against us all in 2020 but here’s to hoping for a brighter future this year.
As you know we held a Charity Competition in 2020, kindly donated by our own team. You all raised just shy of £60 in ticket sales (after payment processing fees), we we’re so blown away by our members support we decided to top up the fund to £100 total.
So following a vote on our Facebook page you named and chose the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA) as your charity of choice.
So today we proudly made the donation on your behalf, thank you all for your help and support through 2020 not only growing our community but also the friendship you have all offered each other in our community.